Grant Applications
2025 Grant Applications - Key dates
- 1 May: Grant applications open
- 30 June: Part A due
- July: Academic Committee assess grant applications, feedback is provided to applicants
- 24 August: Part B/full application due
- Mid October: Academic Committee and Board meet to establish successful applicants and grant amounts
- Late October: Successful/unsuccessful grant applicants notified
Please note that these dates are subject to change.
QORF Grant Application Guidelines
QORF Grants are open to all musculoskeletal (MSK) researchers in Queensland, provided a member of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) is listed on the project. It is hoped that this expanded application criteria will promote collaboration within the wider MSK research community.
Eligibility Criteria
- Must be a member of QORF. There is no cost to become a member.
- Must be located in Queensland.
- Must have a Queensland member of the Australian Orthopaedic Association (AOA) listed on the project. QORF is pleased to facilitate connections with potential collaborators. If you need assistance finding an AOA member for your project, please contact us.
- Early career and established researchers are encouraged to apply.
- Use the online Part A Application Form to submit an application.
- Must be relevant to the field of orthopaedics and/or musculoskeletal conditions.
- Should have clear objectives, methodology, and potential for impact.
- Must be feasible within the proposed timeline and budget.
- Note: Per Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) requirements for a Health Promotion Charity (HPC), projects that focus on 'diseases in human beings' and addressing symptoms that are not simply a direct result of physical injury, will be given priority.
Application Process
Expression of Interest/Part A: Submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) via the QORF members portal. Your Part A application should include a clear and concise summary of the project’s aims, background, overall study design, methodology, expected outcomes and significance (max 600 words). Your eligibility status, an estimated timeline (start and finish dates), and brief overview of budget will also be requested.
Full Application/Part B: Shortlisted applicants from the EOI stage will be provided with feedback from the Academic Committee, and invited to submit a full application. The Part B Application form includes:
- Cover Page: Project title, lead investigator/s, affiliated institution/s, and contact information.
- Abstract: A brief summary of the project (max 300 words).
- Research Proposal: You may refer to the QORF Guide to Submitting a Grant Application (to be released shortly) to assist in developing your research proposal.
- Investigator Details: CV of the applicant and/or lead investigator (max 4 pages each).
- Letter of Support: A brief letter of support from the research supervisor and/or AOA member.
- Ethics Approval: Where applicable, proof of ethics approval or status of the application process will be required.
Evaluation Criteria
Scientific Merit & Feasibility:
- Innovation and originality.
- Soundness of research design and methodology.
- Feasibility and risk management.
Impact & Relevance:
- Potential to advance knowledge in the field of musculoskeletal research.
- Translational potential and practical applications.
- Long-term benefits to the Australian healthcare system.
Research Team & Support of QORF Strategic Objectives:
- Track record and expertise of the research team.
- Collaboration within the musculoskeletal community.
- Consideration of rurality and diversity within the research team.
Budget Justification:
- Reasonableness and appropriateness of the proposed budget.
- Clear explanation of how funds will be allocated and managed.
Funding Information & Obligations
Grant Amounts: Grant funding will be awarded at the discretion of the QORF Board. The total amount awarded each year may vary depending on the number and type of grant applications received. Regular grants may be any amount, generally between AUD $3,000 to $10,000 per project.
Funding Period/Conditions: Twenty-four months, with potential for extension based on progress. It is expected that the project will commence within twelve months of receipt of the QORF Grant Agreement, unless application for special circumstances is arranged with Board approval.
Use of Grant Funds: Allowable expenses may include: the part-time salary of a research assistant but not salaried employees of research institutions, and/or consumable items and equipment essential to the conduct of the research. Publication fees for research previously supported by a QORF Grant may be considered as a secondary stage of funding. Reimbursement is limited to publications with a Q1, Q2, Q3 journal ranking, with proof of publication required.
Reporting Requirements:
- Prepare a summary/paper, including images if applicable, suitable for publication on the QORF Website (min 250 words) within twelve months of receipt of the QORF Grant Agreement.
- Provide a minimum of one Progress Report annually until the completion of your project detailing project milestones, results, and expenditure. Progress Reports are due by 31 January and/or 31 May each year.
- Podium Presentation of your research proposal and/or findings at the QORF Research Meeting, generally held in March each year at a location within South East Queensland.
Additional obligations of grant recipients are listed in the QORF Grant Agreement. For further information, please contact us.